Developing a more creative, playful, inclusive and skilled workforce in early childhood education who can champion the intellectual and holistic needs of all young learners.
Our Vision: We strongly believe that we can make the world a better place for all children, and not only can we achieve this dream but we can also empower all children by enabling them to use their own voices so they can reach their full potential in a better world. Using sign languages as a second language of communication and instruction in all early years programs, we are ensuring that no child is left behind in education or silenced in life because of their disabilities or inability to communicate verbally at any given time.
Creative arts helps to stimulate constructive learning and critical thinking in children. It also helps children tap into their creative sides, explore and engage with their imagination, culture and even their immediate environment. Our trainees are engaged in art activities that helps them practice a variety of creative skills they will need in their classroom.
Play is a critical ingredient that helps to achieve a balanced development in children, it excites learning and curiosity in them, and also encourages them to interact with their environment, family and educators. Because of the great value of play, we engage our trainees in effective play lessons they can leverage on in their classrooms.
Research shows that early exposure to signing helps children to develop language and reasoning skills, improves child and care giver bonding, and also reinforces the learning of educational concepts such as ABC's, animals and other specific themes. Our trainees are engaged in basic sign language so they can support children's communication skills. We also distribute creative sign language resources to educators and preschools that need them.
We believe that children should have access to tools and technologies that spark their curiosity and have positive influence on their future careers. The use of technology, games and robotics can shape the future of early childhood education(ECE) for all children.